This weekend was a total surprise to me! I had reserved myself to the idea that I couldn't go to JungMin's birthday party-then out of the blue I get a text message from a friend saying she had an extra ticket! I was so excited because I had an aweful day before I got the text. I went to Seoul on Saturday and had a great day, then church Sunday. My friend and I parted ways after church-she went to buy us the DeJa Vu Single (can you believe it! I have been a fan for 2 years and still didnt have this CD-FAIL!)and-I headed to Konkuk University to meet my Korean friend for the party. I met my friend and 2 girls from Singapore then we tried to find the venue!
We arrived at 240pm and the party started at 3! The MC came out and was acting silly, then he introduced JungMin! Jungmin came out in white pants, a blue shirt, and a black/white tie. We sang Sangil Chukha (happy birthday) to him-then he cut his cake-with a huge knife! He then started looking at his presents! There were a lot-as expected. I didn't take anything because i didn't realize that I could! I did however, take something for friend. She drew a picture for him and wrote him a letter. It was very nice!
He then answered five questions from the audience (questions may be out of the correct order):
1. question: will you take a picture with my camera?
answer: the girl came on stage and gave him her camera but she was too shy to be in the picture with him! He finally took a self cam of the 2 of them together-then gave her a gift bag full of cosmetics
2. question-do you like horses?
answer-yes I am taking horse back riding lessons now (he then gives the girl a gift bag!)
3. question: Will you kiss me?
answer: girl comes on stage and they face each other-he hugs her then blows her a kiss. The audience got jealous so he blew kisses to all of us as well!
4. question: will you write your name with your butt and give a heart greeting?
answer: he tells us to sing to him so while we sing-he writes his name and a heart with his butt!
5. question: will you marry me?
answer: when the girl comes up on stage he runs across the stage-picks her up swings her in circles around the stage! So cute!
all the girls got a hug and gift bag! He then sung "Everyday is Christmas" but changed "Christmas" to "birthday"! They then did the game that they do in Korea for a baby's first birthday. They put a bunch of objects on a table. Whichever object he chooses-will determine his future. I don' remember all the objects but there was a doll to represent a girlfriend, a key, and a few other things-but they forgot money! So they asked the audience if they would give JungMin some money. One girl did but when he found out that she was a student- he said to give it back! Then another lady gave 10,000 won. He then said his family was there (they were sitting in the row in front of me!) The MC found them and JungMins dad gave 30,000 won for the game. Then it was time for the game! Anyone who has been a SS501 fan for any amount of time-knows that JungMin LOVES money! He would pick up an object, then the money and he kept repeating the process! I looked at my friend and said he should just pick up the whole table and sure enough-thats what he did!
They then played a game to find his ideal woman (to bad MinnieMe wasn't there!) 16 girls were called on stage and given mask to put on. The girls came up in groups of two and stood in front of JungMin -facing away from him (he wasn't allowed to see their faces!). One girl would move on to the next round and the other was eliminated! The girl that was eliminated got a flower and a hug-so either way it was a win win situation for those 16 lucky fans! When it got down to the final 2 he waved back and forth between the 2 girls. He gave one an elimination flower and then went up behind the winner and gave her a hug from behind! As her reward she got to take a self cam pic of them together with her cell phone and a 10 second video message to her from JungMin!
Then this kid named Justin came out on stage to sing. I was very disappointed in the fans at this point. People got up and was walking around and talking-totally ignoring the guy singing! Then the MC came on stage and said something about a friend being there and everybody started yelling for Kim Hyung Joon! Baby Joon then came out and sung oh ah! He looked good! Then he yelled for JungMin to hurry up and get out there. JungMin came out looking extra sexy in jeans, a t-shirt and opened button down shirt. They talked a bit and the audience started chanting to kiss again! JungMin leaned over for Joonie to kiss but Joonie said no and stuck out his hand for Min to kiss him! Of course Min did! They then danced a little bit of the chorus to oh ah together. They talked about JungMins half naked magazine pics :) :) :)and it was suggested that Joonie do the same so JungMin tried to take Joonies shirt off-but he wouldn't do it! Joonie then left the stage and they showed a fanmade video for JungMins birthday. He was so cute and sat on the floor of the stage like an obedient child. At first there was only one body there-but by the end of the video-there were three (mc, JM, and HJB!) Jung//min then yelled at Joonie for coming back on stage again and told him to leave and to stay away from his cake. As Joonie left the stage, he went over to check out Min's presents. Min caught him and yelled at him. Joonie left the stage but tried to snoop three more times! Classic Tom/Jerry moment! Min then sung "am I the only one" (not sure of actual english translation of song title) Then they showed a video of JungMin thru the years with SS501 and solo to determine when he looked the sexiest-I thought they all looked good! Then it was over! I was sad~but wait there was more! Before leaving the stage, JungMin said something about high-touch. My friend said that meant high five. I thought she meant he was sending us a high five like he did with blowing us kisses earlier. They then started dismissing us by rows. I asked my friend why-and she said-"didn't you know? JungMin is giving us a high five as we leave!" I was shaking-I did not expect this! I finally got to him and he reached for both of my hands, interlaced his fingers with mine and started shaking our hands together. I told him happy birthday and he said "oh Thank You very much!" in english. I then told him that I was the one that has his rabbit Lapin. He didn't understand-smiled cutely-raised his eyebrows and questioned "pin?" I laughed and repeated "Lapin-I have Lapin" he was then like "oh Lapin-you have Lapin-ok-good!" Just to make sure he understood-my friend told him in Korean what I had said to him. We then moved the exit where there was a table. They gave us each a gift bag that had a poster, stickers, and a bag of candy that had a note from JungMin on the front of it. Once outside, there was a table selling special postcards so I had to buy a set for MinnieMe (and one for me of course!)I was shaking from excitement from finally meeting mr sexy charisma himself! @ down, 3 to go! Now I need to meet HJL, HJB, and my precious YoungSaeng! Some day my wish will come true! After the pary I went to dinner with 5 other triple S (and one of my best friends). We were a very international representation: USA, Canada, Korea, UK, and Singapore!
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
Wednesday, 9 February 2011
MinnieMe4PJM’s Account of Park JungMin's Busan Fan Sign
Feb 9, 2011
I’m on the KTX train writing my story because 1) I’m afraid I’ll forget if I don’t write it out while its still fresh in my mind and 2) my heart is too heavy and sad to sleep. My heart is always that way after I leave my JungMinnie. :(
Before heading to KTX station, I bought some steamed gogi mondoo to enjoy for lunch. While eating, I watched the Korean Drama with JoKwon from 2AM. It was funny. While at the station an interesting thing happened. While applying my make-up, a man walked into the woman’s restroom. This is interesting because it happened to me just the day AT THE SAME station. Hmmm... I know what you are thinking. YES, I was in the CORRECT restroom.
I boarded my train at 12:35 and studied Korean for the first hour, then tried to nap the second hour. We arrived at Busan station about 10 minutes late. I had to ask how to get to the subway station, but other than that I had NO problems getting around. Thanks to Lois @HappyBoys_SS501 for providing me with great directions and a fabulous map!
I arrived on the 9th floor of ShinSaeGae Department store and first asked the customer service desk if they spoke English. They said I needed to go back to the 1st floor. Well since I knew the fan sign was on the 9th floor I didn’t want to go ALL the way back down so I was smart and said “Park JungMin fan sign.” To which they understood and a woman led me where I needed to go. I get my ticket and then walked around trying to find something to do to kill the time.
I found a Starbucks. SCORE!!! I can FINALLY use the certificate I won at the church’s ice breaker drawing. While enjoying my Chai Tea Latte, I did some creative writing. After wards, I went to The Face Shop and bought some things there. Then at 5pm I went back upstairs since I didn’t know what time the doors would open and the fan sign started at 6pm.
Between 5:45 and 6, I heard the young girls gasp and squeal ... yup ... you guessed it ... JungMinnie was arriving on the escalator. Shortly after they let us go in to the hall. I was pleasantly surprised that my ticket sat me IN THE FRONT ROW!!! Lois, I’ll NEVER be able to repay you. Hugs and air 뽀뽀!
Min must have arrived a bit late because the fan sign did not start until about 6:10pm. A man, who I believe is his manager, walked out on stage to talk to the staff. He then got on his phone and then the lights start dimming and went out. Then the Not Alone music video starts to play. The music was so loud the seats and floor were vibrating. After the video ends, Min comes out to greet us. He had some mic problems at first. Then 45 seconds later (only know because its timed on my video) he stops speaking and the fan sign begins. My row was first. SCORE!!! I prepared what I wanted Min to write to me and set it on top of a post-it note that said “Can I hug you?” in Korean and in English. However, I didn’t hide it very well because when the staff member rotated my CD the way I should hand it to Min he saw it and said “No.” I sighed and said “It’s okay”, but on the inside I’m screaming “BUT SEOUL GOT TO...THIS IS SO NOT FAIR!!!” When I got to Min he smiled and chuckled at my shirt. (I was wearing the special shirt that Kat made for me that says “Oh my goodness, oh my soul I love Park JungMin” with his picture right in the middle. He then asked me questions in English: Where are you from? How old are you? To which I answered “uh…secret” and He said “Ahhhhh TOP secret.” Then in Korean he asked me if I could speak Korean and I responded back in Korean “I’m sorry but I only speak a little.” To which he responded in Korean “that’s okay.” He shook my hands twice. His hands are soft and strong with a firm hand shake. Before I knew it my conversation and moment with him were over. I was disappointed I didn’t get a hug, but content with what I did get. I sat back down in my seat and took more pictures and observed others. There was a girl dressed like a tiger; a girl who complained about a run in her hose ONE TOO many times; a girl who attempted AND SUCCEEDED in getting another autograph after she had already been up there WITH THE SAME CD; and a few who just went for the hug AND GOT IT!!! Man oh day!!! Why am I always the one who follows the rules??? I should have just gone for it. Oh well, I showed my love through my shirt and my Valentine’s Day card that I gave to him. One of the girls who hugged him also did some of the dance to Not Alone. The fans really showed him their love by bringing gifts. He got a lot of Vitamin Water and Perrier. After one of the signings, a girl dropped her album onto the it was already falling apart but the CD and everything fell out. Min looked very concerned and worried that maybe the CD had also broke, but I don’t think it did.
I stayed until about 8:15pm. Before I left, I could tell that Min was getting tired and bored. The bright smile had dimmed and the hand waves were getting less expressive, but he was still very kind and tried not to show his exhaustion. He also stretched a bit. After sitting in the same position hunched over to sign autographs, I’m sure his back was hurting. My poor baby...need me to massage your shoulders and back??? I'll gladly do it and you won't even have to pay me. I hear I give good massages...wink...wink.
Any who...the reason I left because I had to go to the loo REAL bad and I was worried that I’d miss my train back. Well little did I know I DID miss my train. The 24 hour time thing confuses me a lot sometimes. Why is America so spoiled and have to have things be so different from everyone else??? So I bought a ticket for 20:00 (8:00pm) thinking it was for 10:00pm. So after getting fast food, which I didn’t want but all I could find, I realized my mistake when I saw the clock reading 21:xx. I was sure the clock was wrong until I figured up my mistake in my head. So I had to go change my ticket and end up paying a little more to get it changed. At first I was kicking myself for leaving the fan sign early because I arrived to the station with an hour to spare, but after that mess I was happy I had that extra time.
Observation on the way home on KTX...there were people at the golf cages golfing at 10:42pm. How can they see that late at night??? Why were they even there that late of a night??? Hmmm...seems crazy but then again maybe not
Well that is my account in a nut shell. Hope I didn’t leave anything out.
Grace and Peace,
Amanda (MinnieMe4PJM)
I’m on the KTX train writing my story because 1) I’m afraid I’ll forget if I don’t write it out while its still fresh in my mind and 2) my heart is too heavy and sad to sleep. My heart is always that way after I leave my JungMinnie. :(
Before heading to KTX station, I bought some steamed gogi mondoo to enjoy for lunch. While eating, I watched the Korean Drama with JoKwon from 2AM. It was funny. While at the station an interesting thing happened. While applying my make-up, a man walked into the woman’s restroom. This is interesting because it happened to me just the day AT THE SAME station. Hmmm... I know what you are thinking. YES, I was in the CORRECT restroom.
I boarded my train at 12:35 and studied Korean for the first hour, then tried to nap the second hour. We arrived at Busan station about 10 minutes late. I had to ask how to get to the subway station, but other than that I had NO problems getting around. Thanks to Lois @HappyBoys_SS501 for providing me with great directions and a fabulous map!
I arrived on the 9th floor of ShinSaeGae Department store and first asked the customer service desk if they spoke English. They said I needed to go back to the 1st floor. Well since I knew the fan sign was on the 9th floor I didn’t want to go ALL the way back down so I was smart and said “Park JungMin fan sign.” To which they understood and a woman led me where I needed to go. I get my ticket and then walked around trying to find something to do to kill the time.
I found a Starbucks. SCORE!!! I can FINALLY use the certificate I won at the church’s ice breaker drawing. While enjoying my Chai Tea Latte, I did some creative writing. After wards, I went to The Face Shop and bought some things there. Then at 5pm I went back upstairs since I didn’t know what time the doors would open and the fan sign started at 6pm.
Between 5:45 and 6, I heard the young girls gasp and squeal ... yup ... you guessed it ... JungMinnie was arriving on the escalator. Shortly after they let us go in to the hall. I was pleasantly surprised that my ticket sat me IN THE FRONT ROW!!! Lois, I’ll NEVER be able to repay you. Hugs and air 뽀뽀!
Min must have arrived a bit late because the fan sign did not start until about 6:10pm. A man, who I believe is his manager, walked out on stage to talk to the staff. He then got on his phone and then the lights start dimming and went out. Then the Not Alone music video starts to play. The music was so loud the seats and floor were vibrating. After the video ends, Min comes out to greet us. He had some mic problems at first. Then 45 seconds later (only know because its timed on my video) he stops speaking and the fan sign begins. My row was first. SCORE!!! I prepared what I wanted Min to write to me and set it on top of a post-it note that said “Can I hug you?” in Korean and in English. However, I didn’t hide it very well because when the staff member rotated my CD the way I should hand it to Min he saw it and said “No.” I sighed and said “It’s okay”, but on the inside I’m screaming “BUT SEOUL GOT TO...THIS IS SO NOT FAIR!!!” When I got to Min he smiled and chuckled at my shirt. (I was wearing the special shirt that Kat made for me that says “Oh my goodness, oh my soul I love Park JungMin” with his picture right in the middle. He then asked me questions in English: Where are you from? How old are you? To which I answered “uh…secret” and He said “Ahhhhh TOP secret.” Then in Korean he asked me if I could speak Korean and I responded back in Korean “I’m sorry but I only speak a little.” To which he responded in Korean “that’s okay.” He shook my hands twice. His hands are soft and strong with a firm hand shake. Before I knew it my conversation and moment with him were over. I was disappointed I didn’t get a hug, but content with what I did get. I sat back down in my seat and took more pictures and observed others. There was a girl dressed like a tiger; a girl who complained about a run in her hose ONE TOO many times; a girl who attempted AND SUCCEEDED in getting another autograph after she had already been up there WITH THE SAME CD; and a few who just went for the hug AND GOT IT!!! Man oh day!!! Why am I always the one who follows the rules??? I should have just gone for it. Oh well, I showed my love through my shirt and my Valentine’s Day card that I gave to him. One of the girls who hugged him also did some of the dance to Not Alone. The fans really showed him their love by bringing gifts. He got a lot of Vitamin Water and Perrier. After one of the signings, a girl dropped her album onto the it was already falling apart but the CD and everything fell out. Min looked very concerned and worried that maybe the CD had also broke, but I don’t think it did.
I stayed until about 8:15pm. Before I left, I could tell that Min was getting tired and bored. The bright smile had dimmed and the hand waves were getting less expressive, but he was still very kind and tried not to show his exhaustion. He also stretched a bit. After sitting in the same position hunched over to sign autographs, I’m sure his back was hurting. My poor baby...need me to massage your shoulders and back??? I'll gladly do it and you won't even have to pay me. I hear I give good massages...wink...wink.
Any who...the reason I left because I had to go to the loo REAL bad and I was worried that I’d miss my train back. Well little did I know I DID miss my train. The 24 hour time thing confuses me a lot sometimes. Why is America so spoiled and have to have things be so different from everyone else??? So I bought a ticket for 20:00 (8:00pm) thinking it was for 10:00pm. So after getting fast food, which I didn’t want but all I could find, I realized my mistake when I saw the clock reading 21:xx. I was sure the clock was wrong until I figured up my mistake in my head. So I had to go change my ticket and end up paying a little more to get it changed. At first I was kicking myself for leaving the fan sign early because I arrived to the station with an hour to spare, but after that mess I was happy I had that extra time.
Observation on the way home on KTX...there were people at the golf cages golfing at 10:42pm. How can they see that late at night??? Why were they even there that late of a night??? Hmmm...seems crazy but then again maybe not
Well that is my account in a nut shell. Hope I didn’t leave anything out.
Grace and Peace,
Amanda (MinnieMe4PJM)
Tuesday, 25 January 2011
Park JungMin Fanmeeting and Showcase in Seoul
Because I have become quit lazy these days-I am reposting my friends acct. of the fanmeeting.
Sorry I'm detail oriented so this is VERY detailed.
Kat and I arrive in Seoul. We drop our bags off at the hotel, refresh our make up and hair and then head to the venue where the fan meeting is held. We arrive around 4 and since we hadn’t had anything to eat since before 12, we go searching for things to eat. We find a street vendor selling kimbap so we eat something then head back.
We go to the foreigner’s line to inquire where we get the signed calendars as compensation for the fan meeting that was postponed and learned that they are really for overseas residents, but one lady was so kind that she said to give us the calendar anyway. THANK YOU!!!
Then we just hang around waiting for the time to line up. As we were waiting we were given free gifts and were video taped for a special message for SS501’s 6th anniversary this summer.
They then had us line up to get into the building. Once we got into the SMALL lobby we checked out the merchandise they were selling. I bought some things at one table and then Katrina went to another table to get what they were selling. When we finished we met back up and then one of my students found me. I was so jealous of JiHye because she was in the second row CENTER STAGE and we were ALL THE WAY IN THE BACK of the room. I tried getting her to switch seats with us, even threatened to change her grade to an F, but she wouldn’t budge.Grrr
Soon they opened the doors for us to go in. We found our seats and I went back out to get a necklace that I realized wasn’t in the package I bought, but wanted. While I was out there I saw various people that I've talked to on Facebook or Twitter. They and others enjoyed the special t-shirt I was wearing that Kat had made for me that says “Oh my goodness, oh my soul I love Park JungMin” with Min’s picture right in the middle of it. I gave a letter/prayer that I wrote to Min to one of the staff members. Before the fan meeting started Kat and I prayed for Min and that the fan meeting would be a success.
Kat was very impressed and proud of me that I was a social butterfly and had the courage to talk to people that I've only talked with on Facebook and Twitter. It was so nice to meet other Triple S members and put a face with the people I chat with frequently.
Soon the lights dim and the fan meeting starts with the title track from his first solo album Not Alone. After the song ends, a girl from England comes up to us and says, “you have horrible seats. There are two empty seats next to me.” So we follow her to the 3rd row from the stage on the right. ASSA!!!
Min sings a few more songs then sings the song of his that I sing at the karaoke room. It’s a duet usually with a girl. We had already learned that there was going to be a surprise guest and I can tell that the guest was coming on soon because Min had a HUGE smile on his face. Sure enough when it gets to the girls part the special guest starts singing but it confuses us all because it’s not a girl singing but a guy. The special guest was none other than SS501 Kim HyungJun. So technically I have "seen" all 5 of the guys, but have only recognized 4 of the 5 when seeing them. During the interview session the fans start chanting “보바해 보바해” “kiss, kiss". I guess the MC and Min thought it was for them because they were like “NO” but then he realized it was for him and HyungJun so he said something to HyungJun and then stood there cutely as if to say okay HyungJun do what the fans want I’m waiting. HyungJun dances around Min trying to get up the courage...don't know why they've done like this many times before...and then quickly gives him a kiss on the cheek which Min was totally not ready for and surprised that he actually did it and HyungJun runs off the stage giggling like a girl. They also had some cute Tom & Jerry moments. It was so nice to see, since Min has appeared depressed for a while. The real Min and Sexy Charisma was back and had all our hearts racing. Oooo la la
There were a few malfunctions in the fan meeting. Apparently at the beginning Kat thought she noticed that he had a zipper malfunction, which is of course one of the things he is notorious for doing. Then later he made a mistake in a song he’s performed many times before. The song was “Love Ya” which is a SS501 song. I’m not sure he sang though. If he did it was only his parts. He did dance it though. However, it appears that he forgot how the dance goes at the end because I noticed he messed up and bent over laughing so either he forgot the steps or he forgot the lyrics. It was funny. Another SS501 song he did was “Green Peas” and during the song we through green papered airplanes onto the stage.
At one point during the fan meeting it got silent and I chose to do a cat call (imagine the cartoons where the male whistles at a HOT woman) at that moment. To which the entire audience laughed and Min looked over at the section I was sitting in and smiled big. Later Katrina and I yelled “I LOVE YOU” and again he looked over at us and smiled big. When the fan meeting came to a close I started chanting “사랑해사랑해” (I love you) and I got him to smile again.
We encored him to come out again and he finished with Not Alone again. After the fan meeting we were directed to go outside. My student found me and we got a picture together. After the picture I noticed she was tearing up and that made me cry. She was really a great student.
Katrina and I then waited outside for OVER AN HOUR for Min to come out. The crew kept teasing us by opening the doors to load things in the van and even moved the van twice. After some time some of the crew gave out hand warmers but not enough. When the boy was FINALLY ready to come out they made us move…for some unknown reason because we would not have been in the way or ANYWHERE close to touch him like I’ve been twice. He waved at us when he got into the van and then started saying Good-bye to us over the PA in all the languages he knew. So cute.
After wards we went to Jaksal to eat. Max wasn’t working, but that was okay because that forced MinSu to talk to us in English. After a late, late dinner we went back to the hotel and stumbled into bed around 2am. We were going to go try to see Inkigayo which Min would be in at 10am, but we’d have to get up at 5am to catch a subway and then wait in a line hoping and praying that our numbers would get called. Since we didn't sleep much Friday or Saturday night, when the alarm went off we decided just to stay and sleep then check out of the hotel and go home around 12.

Me wearing a special @JungMin0403 t-shirt that @SaengieMeNoona designed for me and holding and wearing other SS501 & PJM accessories. (picture taken by Lois from Happy Boys blog!)
Sorry I'm detail oriented so this is VERY detailed.
Kat and I arrive in Seoul. We drop our bags off at the hotel, refresh our make up and hair and then head to the venue where the fan meeting is held. We arrive around 4 and since we hadn’t had anything to eat since before 12, we go searching for things to eat. We find a street vendor selling kimbap so we eat something then head back.
We go to the foreigner’s line to inquire where we get the signed calendars as compensation for the fan meeting that was postponed and learned that they are really for overseas residents, but one lady was so kind that she said to give us the calendar anyway. THANK YOU!!!
Then we just hang around waiting for the time to line up. As we were waiting we were given free gifts and were video taped for a special message for SS501’s 6th anniversary this summer.
They then had us line up to get into the building. Once we got into the SMALL lobby we checked out the merchandise they were selling. I bought some things at one table and then Katrina went to another table to get what they were selling. When we finished we met back up and then one of my students found me. I was so jealous of JiHye because she was in the second row CENTER STAGE and we were ALL THE WAY IN THE BACK of the room. I tried getting her to switch seats with us, even threatened to change her grade to an F, but she wouldn’t budge.Grrr
Soon they opened the doors for us to go in. We found our seats and I went back out to get a necklace that I realized wasn’t in the package I bought, but wanted. While I was out there I saw various people that I've talked to on Facebook or Twitter. They and others enjoyed the special t-shirt I was wearing that Kat had made for me that says “Oh my goodness, oh my soul I love Park JungMin” with Min’s picture right in the middle of it. I gave a letter/prayer that I wrote to Min to one of the staff members. Before the fan meeting started Kat and I prayed for Min and that the fan meeting would be a success.
Kat was very impressed and proud of me that I was a social butterfly and had the courage to talk to people that I've only talked with on Facebook and Twitter. It was so nice to meet other Triple S members and put a face with the people I chat with frequently.
Soon the lights dim and the fan meeting starts with the title track from his first solo album Not Alone. After the song ends, a girl from England comes up to us and says, “you have horrible seats. There are two empty seats next to me.” So we follow her to the 3rd row from the stage on the right. ASSA!!!
Min sings a few more songs then sings the song of his that I sing at the karaoke room. It’s a duet usually with a girl. We had already learned that there was going to be a surprise guest and I can tell that the guest was coming on soon because Min had a HUGE smile on his face. Sure enough when it gets to the girls part the special guest starts singing but it confuses us all because it’s not a girl singing but a guy. The special guest was none other than SS501 Kim HyungJun. So technically I have "seen" all 5 of the guys, but have only recognized 4 of the 5 when seeing them. During the interview session the fans start chanting “보바해 보바해” “kiss, kiss". I guess the MC and Min thought it was for them because they were like “NO” but then he realized it was for him and HyungJun so he said something to HyungJun and then stood there cutely as if to say okay HyungJun do what the fans want I’m waiting. HyungJun dances around Min trying to get up the courage...don't know why they've done like this many times before...and then quickly gives him a kiss on the cheek which Min was totally not ready for and surprised that he actually did it and HyungJun runs off the stage giggling like a girl. They also had some cute Tom & Jerry moments. It was so nice to see, since Min has appeared depressed for a while. The real Min and Sexy Charisma was back and had all our hearts racing. Oooo la la
There were a few malfunctions in the fan meeting. Apparently at the beginning Kat thought she noticed that he had a zipper malfunction, which is of course one of the things he is notorious for doing. Then later he made a mistake in a song he’s performed many times before. The song was “Love Ya” which is a SS501 song. I’m not sure he sang though. If he did it was only his parts. He did dance it though. However, it appears that he forgot how the dance goes at the end because I noticed he messed up and bent over laughing so either he forgot the steps or he forgot the lyrics. It was funny. Another SS501 song he did was “Green Peas” and during the song we through green papered airplanes onto the stage.
At one point during the fan meeting it got silent and I chose to do a cat call (imagine the cartoons where the male whistles at a HOT woman) at that moment. To which the entire audience laughed and Min looked over at the section I was sitting in and smiled big. Later Katrina and I yelled “I LOVE YOU” and again he looked over at us and smiled big. When the fan meeting came to a close I started chanting “사랑해사랑해” (I love you) and I got him to smile again.
We encored him to come out again and he finished with Not Alone again. After the fan meeting we were directed to go outside. My student found me and we got a picture together. After the picture I noticed she was tearing up and that made me cry. She was really a great student.
Katrina and I then waited outside for OVER AN HOUR for Min to come out. The crew kept teasing us by opening the doors to load things in the van and even moved the van twice. After some time some of the crew gave out hand warmers but not enough. When the boy was FINALLY ready to come out they made us move…for some unknown reason because we would not have been in the way or ANYWHERE close to touch him like I’ve been twice. He waved at us when he got into the van and then started saying Good-bye to us over the PA in all the languages he knew. So cute.
After wards we went to Jaksal to eat. Max wasn’t working, but that was okay because that forced MinSu to talk to us in English. After a late, late dinner we went back to the hotel and stumbled into bed around 2am. We were going to go try to see Inkigayo which Min would be in at 10am, but we’d have to get up at 5am to catch a subway and then wait in a line hoping and praying that our numbers would get called. Since we didn't sleep much Friday or Saturday night, when the alarm went off we decided just to stay and sleep then check out of the hotel and go home around 12.

Me wearing a special @JungMin0403 t-shirt that @SaengieMeNoona designed for me and holding and wearing other SS501 & PJM accessories. (picture taken by Lois from Happy Boys blog!)
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