Thursday, 9 December 2010

KyuSaeng FM in Seoul

Where to start! Well I guess I will start with getting the tickets. The first night, my co-worker came over to help me get them since it is near impossible for foreigners to buy anything online in Korea! Unfortunately she got here 30 minutes too late! I cried that whole night and the whole next day! The next Monday they had round two for the second fanmeeting. I called at 5:59p.m. knowing the tickets went on sale at 6:00pm. I waited for ten minutes then the guy came on the phone and said that the english line was busy-to call back in ten minutes-I said no-I missed getting tickets last time because they sold out before I could get them. I told him he speaks english well enough so he should help me! It just so happened at that time my hair dresser walked up to my school to see me. Usually by this time-I am gone AND he never comes by to see me. As soon as I saw him-I handed him the phone and said "here you are Korean-you talk to this guy and get me these tickets!" I need to add that this is more than just my hairdresser-him and his wife are also very good friends of mine. He got the tickets then gave me a hug and left. That weekend-MinnieMe and I made our weekly trip to Jaksal (leaders chicken place) to eat. On our way home, we decided to make Christmas presents for all the guys that work at Jaksal and the girls that work at Royal Avenue (including JungMin, Hyun Joong, and of course I had to make one for YoungSaeng!) We spent each night sewing and preparing stockings-it was so much fun!

Fast forwaard to FM weekend!
MinnieMe and I went to Seoul as soon as I finished work. I get to the bus station and she already had our tickets and a snack for me since I hadnt eaten all day! We finally get to Seoul and have to wait for 30 in line in the cold for a taxi. We get to our hotel with no problems , finishing preparing the stockings for jaksal and go to dinner to give the stockings to the guys there. Before we got there i called the boss and told him we were coming. When we arrived, he was outside waiting for us and already had a table set. We ate for a little while and gave them their gifts but left early because their were some men next to us smoking (YUCK!) and it was blowing into our faces. So we took the rest back to the hotel

The next morning we got up and took the 15 minute taxi ride to Royal Avenue. We got there 15 minutes after they opened. I felt so bad for my friend that works there because the entire store was flooded. Apparently some time in the night the coffee machine hose busted and she was working by herself. I offered to help her mop it up but the other employees were coming in to help. We stayed there for about 1 1/2 hrs, then lunch and off to see my man!!!! It took a stressful 45 minute subway ride then another 10 minute taxi ride to get to the university for the FM. The taxi driver had no idea where it was! We finally get there and then have to figure out how to get to the top of the mountain where the FM was being held. We asked some students and they took us up the esculator to heaven! Literally-it stopped at the top of a mountain! Then Finally I saw the sign (on the ground with an arrow). We get to the ticket booth, i give them my information and then they told me they dont have any tickets for me! I was so stressed at this point I yelled "What, WHERE THE HELL ARE MY TICKETS????" MinnieMe was so embarrassed she just walked away! We finally line up and 5 minutes later go into the hall.

The fanmeeting!

All the stress of the weekend disappeared the moment I saw YoungSaeng walk out on stage! They had a question and answer session which i could not understand a word of because it was all in korean-but i didnt care as long as i could see YoungSaengs beautiful smile and hear his gentle voice. He then sung "Im sorry I love you" followed by Kyu's "Never Let You Go". OMG, Kyu came out of his shell and got downright sexy! I was shocked! Then they played rock, paper, scissors and YS won so he got to choose to make a sandwhich or kimbap. He chose to make a sandwhich and i think he called it a well being sandwich but it was anything but because he put alot of bread and mayo on there! Kyu made kimbap and cut it and carefully put it in a bowl. Then they drew three tickets for fans to come up and try the food the guys made. There was a girl from Korea, a girl from the phillippines, and an older woman from Japan. They all said that YS sandwich was better, so he got to make a special drink for Kyu. They brought a table out with several drinks on it and YS got to mix them for Kyu. First he smelled each one to see what it was. When he got to a light yellow liquid-he couldnt figure out the smell so he drank some! He made the most hilarious/adorable face because it was straight lemon juice. After the drinks they talked some more and showed a video of their vacation with Steven Lee. It was so cute-even though there were alot more cuts and pics of KyuJong than there were of YoungSaeng :(. Then the best part!!!!! The room went dark and Young Saeng came up through the stage wearing a shiny silver shirt and tight black pants singing Rains song love story. He came down the stairs, started dancing with the microphone and shyly tore off the silver shirt. He then put the top layer of his shirt behind his neck, lifted the bottom layer slightly to show a little of his tummy and rolled his hips. After seeing this, I was near heart-failure and MinnieMe was next to me doing cat calls since I didnt have the breath or energy to do it myself! As was the case earlier, Kyu came up thru the audience after YS, singing "WussUp!"
He finished then YS and the MC sat down to talk a little while-saying that Kyu was taking a shower-which made the audience go wild at the thought! Then Kyu came out and they talked about YS playing baseball and Kyu going to Lotte World-then they showed a video of it. Next was another drawing for gifts from the guys. A girl 2 seats in front of me was chosen-I was so sad but they did get a good shot of my sign I made for YoungSaeng:

They then showed another video of all five guys together-at which point KyuJong Seemed to become very emotional. Then YS/KJ sung Wings of The World together as a duet. It just didnt seem right that it wasnt all five singing it tho! Then it was over! Now time to shop! Unfortunately I didnt have any money so I settled for a KyuSaeng calendar and a file folder:

We were also given a nice poster of them together, a KJ banner, YoungSaeng banners and flags. We also bought KyuJong, JungMin and YoungSaeng lightsticks. Now we had a dilema-do we go all the way back to our hotel in Jamsil, or do we take our friends offer to go to the 2nd FM at 7pm. We listened to voice of reason and went back to the hotel-only to find out the next day that JungMin was at the second one! MinnieMe was so angry with herself for convincing me not to go to the 2nd one~her punishment is that she now has to wait another month to see JungMin!

Time to say goodbye!
We took the long subway ride back to Jamsil and went back to the hotel to order a pizza for dinner. We were going to go sing, but we were both exhausted so we decided to stay in. As usual though-MinnieMe and I were the female version of Tom-N-Jerry and stayed up laughing and (play)fighting all night! We got up early the next day to head back to Cheonan.
We were both so sad-but more good things are coming soon: January=Park JungMin!

biggest disappointment: security was so strict where i was that i couldnt get any pics during the FM!


  1. ommo!!!
    so much pain to endure before u gotta went in!!
    like rushing here an there..and very thoughtful og both of u to give the xmas present to the workers!
    but like u said...seeing them on stage make us forget what happen all day long..hehe
    i wish KJ and YS will heading here to Malaysia also for the FM..huhuh really!!!

  2. Thank you for sharing your story. I think I saw you guys in KyuSaeng fan Meeting. ^^

